A quick giggle from me to you. I'm working on a final project that involves, among other things, liberalism. In light of this, I figured Bill O'Reilly deserved some name-dropping in my piece. I googled his name to be sure I had it spelled right, and, after watching that hilarious video of him freaking out on Inside Edition, looked in briefly on the man's homepage. In my scan, I noticed a most ridiculous typographical error. Please note the way that Italy is spelled in his O'Round the World section above. Hilarious. A crusader of truth, a lambaster of liberals, and a man who can't be bothered to spell correctly the name of a country that is arguably one of the birthplaces of Western society. I mean, it only has FIVE letters. Italy??!!?!? Two Ls?!?!?!!? What is wrong with him?
Beth, please. I think you ignore the fact that the esteemed Mr. O'Reilly was clearly making a 'pun,' playing with Italy and 'tally." Like the kind of marks Billy Boy makes on his thigh with the sharp end of his favorite "Jesus Saves" pin every time a liberal does something "wrong," misspends wealthytaxpayerswhoworkfortheirmoneyanddamnwelldontwannagiveittosomecrackedoutwelfaremompoppingoutoctupletslikeamadunmarriedwhore's money, or make big government even bigger. And apparently the world's longest suspension bridge is just one more thing those damn Eye-tallian slobs did to point out how much fuckin' liberals have put this country in the pooper. And O'Righteous has taken note. Dually. With two 'l's.
Obvious, really, Beth. I think you should change your blog title to "Punheads."
That clever, cheeky Billy.
Ugh, that all-in-one word was SO much better than the part that shows, damn you limited Blogger formatting, damn you.
wealthy-taxpayers-whowork-for-their-money-and-damn-well-don't-want-to-give-it-to-some-cracked-out-welfare-mom-so-that-she-can-have-octuplets-and-not-even-married-the-dirty-liberal-whore's money
That was how it went. Or something very close. Now there are TWO comments woeful cut-off!
okay okay i think you both are missing a large point: mr. o'reilly does not write his own content on his website. he writes it on a note and passes it to his friendly graphic designer who forgot to spellcheck. or he recently let go of his web copy editor due to budget constraints...which really falls into our are (me + eva + beth), not mr. o'reilly. so lets put the blame in its proper place, shall we?
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